【Training Course】2018.01.11-12 The Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscope (TIRFM)
Features and Application
* Cell membrane protein interaction
* Cell Signal Transduction
* Endocytosis/ Exocytosis
* Cell Migration
Date: 2018/01/11-2018/01/12
Theory 01/11 11:00-12:00 (NCKU College of Medicine 2F, room 203)
Demonstration 01/11 13:20-14:50 (NCKUH out-patient building 6F, room 6046)
Certification 01/12 09:30-15:30 (NCKUH out-patient building 6F, room 6046)
Registration period: From 2017/12/29 (9:00 AM) to 2018/01/04
* The course is limited to 5 people.
* The course is conducted at a graduate level and is suitable for experienced technicians and graduate students through to principal investigators.
* Each person needs to pay NTD 250 for this course, please visit the core lab office (NCKU College of Medicine 6F) before certification.
* For details, please contact the website of the Bioimaging Core Facility.
Please register online and the registration will end when the total reaches 5.
Technician: Ching-Yi, Lin(#5735/#4931)